In our previous newsletter, we embarked on a journey to untangle the webs of complexity and locate the leverage point in any complex scenario. Today, we will level up and explore how to identify and truly leverage these pivotal points. Are you strapped in and ready to power up your decision-making capabilities?
Recall the vista from where we concluded last week.
We earmarked 'lack of priorities' as the crucial leverage point. We acknowledged that it requires more than merely setting priorities. It's about integrating them into your daily routine and using them as a compass to guide your actions. Today, we will dissect how to make this actionable, incorporating the power of structured visuals.
We've located our leverage point. Now, we could improvise from here or strategize upfront, accelerating our trajectory towards our objectives. Here is where the Future Reality Tree (FRT) comes into play. It's kin to the CRT, yet it takes a mirror approach: while the CRT traced the path back from the effects to the root cause, the FRT propels us forward from the change (which we'll refer to as 'injection') to its potential impacts, both positive and negative, focusing on amplifying the positive and dampening the undesired adverse effects.
Now, what would that journey look like?
We kick-start with our 'injection', the catalyst for change. From this point, our mission is to mitigate any undesirable effects we spotted in our CRT - our departure point from last week's discussion.
The detailed roadmap to achieve this will be dissected in an upcoming post. At its core, it's about forward thinking - envisioning the domino effect of the injection. In this scenario, setting priorities empowers you to concentrate on high-value tasks. However, without structuring your day, it's unlikely to manifest. I've realized the importance of adequate sleep and regular exercise to keep the energy tank full instead of running on fumes. Thus, the potential outcome might look something like this:
This is a cause-and-effect diagram revisited. Notice the thicker, reddish line on the left? Its downward trajectory stands out. This is a reinforcement loop. Having spare time empowers you to regularly reassess your goals and priorities, which are dynamic and will inevitably evolve. Incorporating reinforcement loops isn't mandatory, but it's a beneficial strategy to strive for.
You've now constructed a proactive to-do list to counteract the unwanted effects we started with. The mere identification of a leverage point could have propelled you forward. Yet, thinking ahead and strategizing can catapult you further along your path.
And when reality, as it often does, demands a different trajectory, you'll have a robust foundation to pivot from. With this empowering toolkit, you're ready to navigate the future with confidence and agility.